The Scales Theory
There is a theory, common in the US, that when we get to the end of our life we’re hoping to have done more good things than bad things, hoping to tip the scale in our favor. Often, this is thought to be related to Christian doctrine about Heaven and Hell.
Though individuals rarely articulate it, this concept that we will be judged based off our average goodness versus badness can be traced back to the Roman goddess Iustitia. We’re talking about blind Lady Justice. Meaning there is a standard. There apparently is a judge. And there are two ways to go, a good place and a bad place. (even further back, you can find a similar situation in Egyptian mythology)
This is a blending of cosmologies. The concept of Christian Heaven and Hell and the Roman concept of the goddess Lady Justice are insoluble.
If this was really Christianity, the scales would always be tipped toward Hell. Every action, thought, and word that does not place God and others first is evil. Therefore, we have a massive quantity of sin that overwhelms the scales.
Thankfully, there isn’t actually a scale at all. In Christian faith, if there is any sin in someone’s life, they’re disqualified from Heaven. It’s more like a stain on a silk cloth. A big stain or a small stain doesn’t matter, the cloth is still stained. It won’t pass inspection.
This is why the disciples of Jesus declared, “Who, then, can be saved?!” And Jesus replied, "With man, this is impossible, but everything is possible for God.” (Matt 19:24–26)
Jesus paid our debt, Jesus washed our sins away by presenting himself as the sacrifice for us. He took our punishment on himself, he was executed in our place. He volunteered as tribute.
Therefore, when we get to the end and are judged, Jesus will step up and say that we’re on his tab. He has vouched for us.
Because of that, it inspires us to live our lives here sharing the good news! What is the good news? That we were not left to rot in our sin, we won’t need to go to Hell. The maker of the universe wants to be our friend and involved in our lives! That is the good news!